International Symposium: Phylogenetic, Ecological, and Behavioural Aspects among Cryptic or Semi-cryptic Species of Crustacea
2015年10月11日 20:50
Successfully completed! 11 Oct 2015 東京海洋大学品川キャンパス
- Christoph D. Schubart (Univ. Regensburg, Germany) & Theodor Poettinger (Univ. Regensburg, Germany): Determining the amount of cryptic species and overlooked diversity in freshwater crabs.
- Tohru Naruse (Univ. Ryukyus): Recent advancements of the knowledge of crab fauna of the Ryukyu Islands.
- Izumi Yamasaki (Nat. Res. Inst. Far Seas Fisheries) & Wataru Doi (Tokai Univ.)The research history to distinguish two species of Hemigrapsus crabs, H. penicillatus and H. takanoi.
- Aya Miyajima (Suma Aqualife Park Kobe) & Keiji Wada (Nara Women's Univ.). Comparison of life history and social behavior of the two allied varunid crabs Hemigrapsus takanoi and H. sinensis.
- Martina Weiss (Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany), Alexander Weigand (Ruhr Univ., Germany), Ahmad-Reza Katouzian (Univ. Tehran, Iran), Alireza Sari (Univ. Tehran, Iran) & Florian Leese (Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Germany). Global players revised: Assessing cryptic diversity in the genus Gammarus.
- Yuna Zayasu (OIST Marine Genomics Unit). Comparison of molecular phylogenetic relationships between massive corals and pit crabs.