Latest issue of "Crustacean Research" (print version)

2022年12月18日 22:18
The latest issue of "Crustacean Research" (print version) has been published.

If you have not received it, please contact us.

Cover photo: 加山藍子 Aiko Kayama.  Ⓒ

A photo from 

First record of the maternal care behavior of a "rhizarian rider,"Phronimopsis spinifera Claus, 1879 (Amphipoda, Hyperiidea), in association with Aulosphaera sp. (Rhizaria, Cercozoa, Phaeodaria, Aulosphaeridae)

Nobuhiro Saito, Aiko Kayama, Yasuhide Nakamura

Crustacean Research 2022 Volume 51 Pages 111-113.
