Save the date for ICC IX in Washington DC and call for symposia!
The 9th International Crustacean Congress (ICC IX)
Washington, DC, USA
May 22-25, 2018
Venues: Smithsonian Institution and the Renaissance Hotel
First time in the USA! First time at the Smithsonian Institution!
Call for Symposia
The ICC IX Organizing Committee is requesting ideas and leaders for symposia for this important meeting.
Symposia can be half days or full days and can be on any broad topic associated with crustacean biology or related research whether basic or applied. Broad ideas that would include Crustacea combined with other taxa, are welcome. Possible areas for symposia development include: genomics/transcriptomics, reproduction, biodiversity, palaeontology, microbiomes, parasites & evolution, invasion biology, aquaculture, fisheries, etc.
Please communicate symposium ideas to
Chris Tudge at ctudge (あっと)
On behalf of the ICC IX Organizing Committee
Keith Crandall, Rafael Lemaitre, Karen Osborn, Brian Tsukimura, Christopher Tudge, & Amanda Windsor