後援「「次世代、次々世代の魚類学者、海洋生物学者を育てるために、 ボトムアップで今何をなすべきか。アウトリーチと学校教育の融合を目指して。」
International Symposium: Phylogenetic, Ecological, and Behavioural Aspects among Cryptic or Semi-cryptic Species of Crustacea
International Symposium: Frontiers in Crustacean Biology: Asian Perspectives
From right to left. Jianhai Xiang (China), Peter Kee Lin Ng (Singapore), Lim Shirley (Singapore), Akira Asakura (Kyoto University), Benny K.K. Chan (Taiwan), Tsang Ling Ming (Hong Kong), Ka Hou Chu (Hong Kong)
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